Where do I fit in and what is in it for me?
As you may have noticed, the majority of our networks consist of members who are leads and or experts in what they do. They might consist of Directors, Assistant Directors, Principal Social Workers, Participation leads and of course key partners and guests to the networks.
How you fit within these areas within the regional work is up to you (and your Council or Trust of course!) We encourage collaboration, sharing and development of new ideas to help get the best outcomes for children and families. We would like to harness your passion for this.
Although our ultimate aim is to support the best outcomes for children and families, we recognise the importance of learning and self-development and there are multiple opportunities to facilitate this. What you work on will of course vary within your current role and the network or networks that you sit within. There are also opportunities to get involved with conferences, Master classes and more.
Regardless of your role, we expect that regional working will facilitate your development through:​
Leadership development
Opportunity to learn and share with peers and senior colleagues
Opportunity to think and work more strategically
Provide a community of support to you and the important job you do!
Your WM ADCS Network Team are always eager to support you, please do get in touch here if you have further queries info@wmchildrensservices.org.uk.