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Projects within workstreams and collaboration with partners.

How does this work?

All of the networks in the WM ADCS align to the regions DCS and national ADCS priorities and are also informed and supported via multiple avenues including policy and funding through DfE and other organisations. We recognise that safeguarding and providing the best outcomes for children and families requires collaboration. We seek to achieve this via connections by taking joint actions with wider stakeholders across Health, Education, Police and Probation and beyond. We also link with the WM Teaching Partnership

Here are a few areas of focus from some of our Practice based networks. You can find out more about each network supported via WMADCS  via the network links tab on the website or by clicking HERE or for the most up to date information on events and regional work.


  1. Staff Well-being (Linked with CRABBB 21/22 recruitment and retention/workforce project)

  2. Anti- Racist Practice and leadership  (linked with CRABBB 21/22 recruitment and retention project)

  3. Voice and choice - Joint work with PLN to identify and build on  key areas of practice development in the region


  1. Regional Care leaver Offer and Blueprint- (CRABBB Project linked with Care Leaver Covenant.)

  2. Regional participation strategy/commitment 

  3. Regional Corporate parenting strategy- to commence from 2022

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